søndag den 3. november 2013

The Thermometer

In 1593 Galileo Galilei invented a so called thermoscope. It was a container filled with bulbs of varying mass, it could show that the temperatur changced.
In 1612 the Italtian inventor became the first to mak a scale on his thermoscope.
In 1654 the first enclosed liquid-in-a-glass thermometer was invented.
 The first modern thermometer was invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714.
In 1772 the celsius scale was invented by the swedish Anders Celsius.
The kelvin scale was invented by scientist in the 19th Century.
The photo is from commons.wikimedia.org

fredag den 1. november 2013


The first wearable eyeglasses were invented in Italy around 1285-1286 in Pisa (or maybe Venice, nobody knows exactly).
In 1752 the first sunglasses was invented by eyeglass designer James Ayscough. But the sunglasses first became popular in the 1930's.
In 1929 the polarizing sunglasses was invented by Edwin Land.

The Photo is from: www.peepersreadingglasses.com