What Is Technology?
Technology is the usage of tools, machines, crafts, systims and methods to solve problems or improve an already existing solution to a problem. in other Words a product to help, humans reach their goals.
In this blog, we will give you the history about different kinds of technology. when it was created and how it affects our world today.

Picture is from:
It's an okay text, but the background of this blog is extremely boring, maybe try using some colors or pictures
SvarSlet. The font is an okay and relaxing, but maybe try making it a little bit more exciting, by making it another color" :)
If you want, you can check out our blog: http://young-people-on-social-medias.blogspot.dk/
I think it is a great idea to write about the improvement in the history behind technology. I think the gadgets in the right side is a good option. Especially the blog archive where I can find the specific thing I am looking for. But if you changed the background, it would be more interesting instead of the boring background you have now.
SvarSletGreat blog keep up the good work.